Monday, October 26, 2009


Monday morning we headed down to the hot ponds after getting the local tip to go early, we were told they opened the gates at 7am, yet when we arrived, there were already folks leaving from it. Mostly it was early birds down there doing a morning exercise swim. The pond is lovely!!! We swam for about an hour. This pond was originally a cold pond with seawater washing in, then after the Kapoho lava flow it started to be heated by thermal vents, it also has some salt water waves breaking in, at any rate, it’s cool.
We then went to look in the subdivision we’ve been interested in called Sea View, known for it’s eclectic neighborhood and overall funk. We like Sea view as it’s very close to the ocean and seems to be brimming with new building projects. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still funk, but not as much as in the past.

That evening we asked our hosts Mike and Liz to go along with us to view the ocean entry of the volcano. This was pretty neat. We drove down and parked at the "end of the road" you can't drive any further as lava has taken it over. Then you walk about 1/4 mile, not sure, out over lava while it's still light. You can view the lava pouring out into the ocean, it sputters and explodes, pretty cool. We stayed a little after dark and navigated our way back.
Then home for a night cap rummy drink, or another beer, can't remember which it was.

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